Dear colleagues,
We kindly invite you to an online ophthalmology and optometry webinar entitled, “A new concept in amblyopia screening,” co-hosted by Dr. David Pinero (University of Alicante), the researchers of the University of Pécs, Hungary and Euvision, Ltd. Date: 5 February 5, 2021 at 20:00 CET The ZOOM conference limit: 300 participants. Due to the limited number of participants, please register as soon as possible: The ZOOM link will be sent to the first 300 registered participants a few days before the webinar.
Amblyopia is the leading cause of vision loss among individuals under the age of 40 worldwide without screening. A sensitive, time-saving and cost-effective screening is of a major interest to every eye professional. A new technology will be introduced to the ophthalmologist and optometrist communities.
You will also have a chance to test-drive the new Android mobile-based screening-system, EuvisionTab®. The developers are providing a two-week free trial period for those who want to use or check out the system. The trial period begins on 5 February and ends on 19 February, 2021.
The program representing the Webinar (approx. 1-hour talk, 1-hour discussion)
The language of the lectures will be English, however, questions can be also inquired using Spanish.
Do not forget to prepare red(pink)-green (blue) spectacles for the webinar to enjoy our stunning 3D images!
For further information, please, visit our home page! Best regards,
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